August 2006

We had a great trip to Michigan this last week. Even though Jimmy travelled well, I’ve still sworn off flying with an infant. Of course, this won’t last, as I’m already booked on a flight to Sitka in October (only 2 hrs of flying).

We saw the St. Clair River, Lake Huron, Bluewater Bridge, Downtown Detroit, and the Henry Ford Museum. The Museum was definetly a highlight of the trip. The Ford Museum contains numerous articles, including the car that JFK was assasinated in, the Chair that Lincoln was assasinated in, and the Oscar Meyer Weenie Mobile (Kevin’s Fav).

A big reason for the trip was for Jimmy to get to meet his Great-Grandpa George. George has some hilarious sayings, including my favorite, “You’d never make the German army.” He also jokingly claims to be older than 100, even though he’s only 84. He’s a very sweet, generous, funny guy.
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We’ve finally arrived home from our trip to Michigan. Our flight out of the twin cities was delayed because our plane’s lavatory had been “over serviced”. We were informed that the lav had overflowed into the main cabin. After a delay for cleaning they finally decided to put us on a new plane.  First time I’ve experienced a delay due to this problem. In addition, I flew with a cold, and my ears have yet to unplug. It’s driving me nuts. More posts about our trip to follow…

Thanks to Loren for this video:

Deedee Jonrowe called me today.Yup – the famous Iditarod musher took time out of her day to call me up and ask me to vote for her buddy John Binkley. Ok, so it WAS Deedee, but only a recorded message. These types of messages drive me nuts. I understand the reasoning behind pre-recorded calls; to reach the greatest number of people in the shortest amount of time. But I didn’t take the time to listen (I’m sure 75% of voters do the same), and hung up as soon as I realized it was a recording. Does this type of attempt ever succeed it its purpose? Are voters won over by a pre-recorded phone call from a “celebrity”? I would guess that the answer is no. So, why are candidates still spending money on this type of marketing?

My preferred method of following the Alaska Governor’s race has lately been to tune in to Anchorage Daily News’ The Trail by Kyle Hopkins.

I used to love flying. I imagine that someday in the future (retirement) I will again enjoy flying. But until then, air travel has become one of the most dreaded events that I face. You’ve probably guessed why this change has occured. It’s all due to a little cutie-pie named Jimmy. The last time that we flew (two months ago) it actually went really well, but I still anxiously await this next trip. There’s a 99% chance that he’s going to fall asleep right after the plane takes off, but it’s the 1% possibility of 4 hours of screaming Jimmy that causes me to waste energy on worrying beforehand. I’m not afraid of what other passengers would think (like I’ll ever see any of them again), but I feel sorry for my tired little guy who just wants to sleep, but can’t. Really, it’s not even the actual flying that’s a problem. The difficult part is driving in to the airport, waiting to check in, waiting to get bags checked, waiting in the line for security, waiting for the plane to board, waiting, waiting, waiting… Meanwhile my precious angel is getting more an more tired (and overstimulated, thanks to the overabundance of sights and sounds in an airport). I honestly just feel really bad for the little guy. The solution? Make the best of it, because as of yet, no one has invented a human teleporter.

Grammy Reading to JimmyDad and Jimmy

Today Mom and Dad left (Mom to Oregon, Dad to Sitka). Things I was tempted to do when they left include:
-leave their coffee cups on the counter until they return
-leave this morning’s leftover coffee in the pot until they return (tried this experiment once before, with bad results)
We’ll see them again in October when we fly down for Alaska Day. Somehow it makes their departure so much easier when we have a set date to meet up with them again.

In other news… I’ve got an infestation. More specifically, my tomato plants have been infested with aphids. Eeeeewwww! I’m battling them half-heartedly (with pesticide, and hopefully soon, ladybugs). At least the problem didn’t come about until late in the season. I figure I have another two months before the aphids completely take over. This should be enough time to get in the majority of the harvest.