January 2012

I’m considering the purchase of a Zojirushi bread machine. Any opinions? We make a lot of bread around here. Mixing the dough up in the Bosch and then putting it into pans is by no means difficult, but I like the idea of making the process even easier during this stage of life. The Zojirushi turns out a traditionally shaped loaf, and can be programmed to custom rise times (good for a whole wheat sourdough that takes a long rise). If you’ve ever owned one, or know someone who does, please leave a comment.

In the interest of providing follow-up for this previous note on our plan for labor:

Labor did go well, but the spiritual focal point ended up not being in our identity as images of God, but instead thankfulness for the little soul he has chosen us to parent. Physically laboring to bring a child into the world is an amazing thing (though NOT to raise it above any other act of worship). It is acutely distressing and rewarding, and remembering to vocally thank God through the process helped to bring the focus of my noggin back to where it should be: God. God is gracious and merciful. He is just and infinite, and the source of all things good. Though it might have wigged out the nurses, speaking thanks for Joshua was huge for me. I imagine many of you moms are laughing right now at my naïveté, saying “now she finally gets it!” 🙂


With the newest little Maxwell having arrived on the scene, the big brothers are growing up quickly. Yesterday papa taught them all how to shave. Notice the intense focus on their faces?




***As an aside, this is an excellent example of how marriage makes me more aware of my own shortcomings. Kevin spotted these kits on clearance at Target, and I was hesitant to spend money on them (read: cheap), thinking that they’d be just another discarded toy that I’d have to find a place for. Papa knew best, as these were a huge hit. Thank you God for Kevin!

Hello world! Announcing the arrival of Joshua Kevin Maxwell. Born January 12, 2012 at 11:50pm. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!!
