October 2006

Early this morning Kevin drove Jimmy and me into the airport to catch a flight to Sitka. We were supposed to fly out tonight, but after discovering last night that my intended flight was full (and therefore I would be holding tired Jimmy the whole time) I decided to go standby on this morning’s flight. It was a good choice. We experienced an hour delay out of Anchorage, but the flight went otherwise well. Another mom flying solo with her 12 month old caught my eye and we ended up chatting it up like old friends. It’s amazing how mommydom has provided an instant bond with strangers.

Kevin is scheduled to join us here in Sitka next week. I plan on enjoying this trip to the fullest. I just read through the local paper. There are a million different activities planned for this week, including kayak races, dances, sales, a book fair, wine tasting, historical tours, and open houses. This increased activity is largely due to the upcoming Alaska day holiday, but Sitkans in general seem to be more social than most small towns. Even on a normal week there is a full schedule of events planned. It’s funny – it takes moving away to realize the value of a place.

So, the first generation of macbooks is plagued with a problem that causes them to begin randomly shutting down. Turns out they used some bad glue on the heatsync (sp). Kev explained that <insert technical jargon here> causes the computer to overheat quickly. The good news is that I’m still under warranty (no, not me, the computer) so I won’t have to pay. The bad news is that I’m too lazy to use Kev’s desktop very often. So, the posts will be a bit minimal for a while. Darn, just when I was getting a group of faithful readers 😉