March 2008

This week has been amazing! Although I worried about how my first week home alone would go, it’s been a great time, and I feel like both boys have gotten the attention they need (although with Jacob it’s less about coloring and play dough and more about eating). I’ve got great in-laws who took Jimmy out to lunch yesterday and gave me some quality time with the newborn. Thanks! I really feel like Jacob has just filled in this sort of gap that I never knew was missing. I’ve been staying busy, but it feels like I am exactly where I’m supposed to be.

I also started Jacob in cloth diapers yesterday. So far I am LOVING it. I’ve gone the cheaper route, using pre-folds (yep, just like your mom used to use, although a more absorbent version) and super cute velcro covers (no icky vinyl here). I may not stick with it forever, but it’s been a minimal investment. I like the idea of both saving money, and keeping a few hundred less diapers out of the local landfill.

Grammy and Jacob

My parents were up for a week (they left last Sunday). They cooked, and cleaned, and left me with a sparkling house and full freezers. Thanks Mom & Dad!

Jacob’s First Bath

Jacob’s first bath. He did well, but didn’t care for the toweling/changing afterward.

Jimmy Cheese

Jimmy with his hat that a nurse from my clinic knitted him. I see a midwife at a great women’s center where the staff are amazing and many have become friends.

Jimmy in Boots

Jimmy’s been waiting a long time to wear these boots for Spring!

Checking my RSS feeds tonight and I came upon a site with awesome potential that I just had to share. The site is called The Whole Grain Gourmet, and includes such recipes as Whole Grain Banana Bread and Whole Wheat Snicker Doodles. I haven’t tried any of the recipes yet, but I intend to bake up some Whole Grain Energy Bars soon. The recipe is as follows:

Multigrain Energy Bars


  • 1/4 cup slivered almonds
  • 1/4 cup toasted sesame seeds
  • 1/4 cup dried tart cherries
  • 1/4 cup dried currants
  • 1/4 cup dried blueberries
  • 1/4 cup dried apricots
  • 1/2 cup 7-grain cereal (Bob’s Red Mill)
  • 2 cups rolled oats
  • 1/2 cup honey
  • 1/4 tsp kosher salt
  • 1 cup organic peanut butter
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract


  1. Toast the oats and almonds under a low broiler, allowing them to begin to turn a light golden brown before removing. Set aside to cool
  2. Combine apricots, cherries, currants, and blueberries in a food processor. Pulse to mince, being careful not to allow it to paste up.
  3. Add minced dried fruit, oats, almonds, and sesame seeds to a large bowl and mix well. I use my hands to gently roll the mixture, getting the dried fruit to seperate from itself and blend with the oats.
  4. Bring 1/2 cup of water to a boil in a small sauce pan. Add the 7-grain cereal, stir thoroughly, and remove from heat. Allow it to rest in the pan for 2 minutes. Add peanut butter, honey, salt, and vanilla to the pan and return to a medium low heat, stiring frequently, for about 7 minutes. You want the mixture warmed througout and well combined. The mixture will begin to glisten and roll off the sides as you stir it. Do not overheat the mixture as you will need to be able to handle it.
  5. Add the peanut butter mixture to the oat mixture and combine thoroughly. Work it with your hands to combine well.
  6. Firmly press the mixture into a 8×8 glass baking dish. Don’t be shy about it. You want to compress it into the bottom of the dish so that the top becomes level. I use a flat metal spatula. Allow the dish to rest at room temperature for two hours or longer. The longer you wait, the firmer the bars will be when you cut them.
  7. Cut into bars and enjoy. The bars should be firm enough to retain shape, but will give to pressure.


Ladies, I’m looking for hints/tips/tricks for happily surviving the first few weeks at home “on my own”. As I spend a good amount of time each day on the couch nursing, I’m up for suggestions on how to still interact with my toddler and keep him happy. During a trial run this past week (my folks had to run into Anchorage) things went well, but I feel like I told my toddler “no” about a million times as he ran around the living room with me stuck in a chair. I’m watching “The Sound of Music” as I type this, and am considering some sort of a whistle arrangement to keep the toddler in line 😉 I’m looking forward to your comments! 

This was my first foray into digital scrapbooking. I love it already! Digital scrapbooking fits my interests (technology) much better than the paper version.

Jacob Announcement

Kevin was researching this week’s upcoming episode (there’s rumored to be new footage of Michael) and he stumbled on a music video done by Harold Perrineau (the actor who plays Michael). Perrineau produced this video along with Daniel Dae Kim as a thank you to the troops. The video is available on itunes for $3, which goes to the Bob Woodruff family fund for Traumatic Brain injury. Just a little tidbit for all you Losties 🙂 

Just a couple pics. We still haven’t downloaded the ones taken over the last couple of days, so I’m waiting to stick a good one on the announcement.

Things are still going well. We’re going to bed at 9 so that by 7 in the morning I’ve had a cumulative “full night’s sleep”. It seems to be working, as I feel totally human.

Jimmy is interested in Jacob, but mostly just ignores him. He has definitely noticed that the baby is taking up a lot of Mommy’s time (the kid’s a good eater), but Kevin is doing a great job keeping him occupied, and we’re trying to still make sure that he gets time each day with just me.

Jacob BDay 1

Jacob BDay 1

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