March 2007


Have you ever heard of James Gilchrist? How about Elaine Brown, Steve Kubby, George Phillies, or Christine Smith? I’m betting your answer is “no”. Well, these people are all running in the 2008 presidential election. The reason you haven’t heard of them is because they’re all third party candidates.

Can you name a 2008 Democratic Candidate? How about a Republican candidate? Sure, we all know that Hilary, Barack, and Rudy have declared their intentions, but did you know that Alaskan Mike Gravel (D) and Ron Paul (R) from Texas are also hoping for your vote? Who are these people? What are their platforms? Which issues are important to them? How do they like their eggs for Breakfast?

As election day nears I often find myself surfing candidate’s web sites and political blogs, trying to predict who would best serve the needs of humanity as president. Well, this year I’m ahead of the game. I want to share with you my favorite “2008 presidential race overview” site, located on Wikipedia. This site includes characteristics of the election, a timeline, candidates (and their websites), and external links. Go check it out sometime, and feel more confident next fall that you’ve made an informed choice.

Recently my brother Brian made a temporary move to Valdez, Alaska. He has been keeping himself busy by reading, watching documentaries, working out, and tutoring elementary aged children. Brian has also taken a stab at writing political satire, including the following:


“Found across the Earth, the species Environmentalisiana activistensis prefers the habitat of urban areas of wealthy nations. Small migrations occur during the fairweather weekends of summer to outdoor revreation areas. The physiology of the species is similar to ours but has a very distinct psychology. The species relies on food, shelter, and services provided by other species but are often found in conflict with the providers. Battles often occur between this species and the genus Loggeruata and Foresterphylla. All potential associates should be aware of their shrewed nature and sly tactics.”

Brains and wit. Did I mention, ladies, that he’s available? Interested applicants can email me a 500 word essay answering the questions, “why I should be allowed to date your brother” and “why I think Glocks are for sissies.” It may be turned into a reality show if NBC ever calls me back.